Useful Links
Sites related to Beekeeping
Apiservices Virtual Beekeeping Gallery. Everything about bees and beekeeping.
Honey recipes, information, and fun ideas.
Honeybee Research
Carl Hayden Bee Research Center. Latest on honeybee research.
Massachusetts Beekeeper Association – the latest state beekeeping news and information for Massachusetts beekeepers. Lists Massachusetts county bee associations, meetings, and useful contacts.
Eastern Apicultural Society of North America Inc. – Largest organization for professional, hobbyist, and sideline beekeepers in the world.
Russian Honeybee Breeders Association
Information on the Russian Bee Breeders Association and their current activities. (This association was conceived in the late 1990s, in connection with the USDA’s bee lab in Baton Rouge, LA). Lists current members, helpful suggestions regarding management of Russian honeybees.

2015 RHBA members at Baton Rouge, LA. Bee Lab
Local Interest
Franklin Land Trust
Preserving farmland and open space in Western Massachusetts since 1987.
CISA Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture. The best in Western Massachusetts Agriculture.
Rowe Camp & Conference Center
Experience the magic that is Rowe Camp & Conference Center.